
The Genesis of Obtenebro

Obtenebro is a webshop inspired by the symbols that have shaped history. From ancient patterns to age-old runes, we curate esoteric clothing and accessories. These day-to-day symbols not only bridge past wisdoms with modern aesthetics but also influence and enhance our daily realities.

Our journey began with a simple realization: In the frenetic pace of modern life, the profound power of symbols has been overlooked. Yet, it's precisely in these chaotic times that we need them the most. Symbols are not mere designs; they are keys to understanding our past, navigating our present, and crafting our future.


Obtenebro's mission is to rekindle humanity's connection with these age-old symbols. We aim to bridge the ancient with the contemporary, offering products that are not only aesthetically captivating but spiritually resonant. Each product serves as a reminder, a focal point, a portal to deeper understanding and transformation.


  1. Integrity: We meticulously curate and create products that honor the authentic essence of each symbol. Our dedication is to truth and genuine representation.

  2. Enlightenment: We believe that knowledge empowers. Beyond offering products, we aim to educate, illuminating the history and significance of each symbol.

  3. Unity: While symbols might hail from different cultures and epochs, they echo universal truths. We celebrate these shared wisdoms, emphasizing unity over division.

The Power of Daily Symbols

Symbols hold transformative power. When we surround ourselves with them, we subtly but constantly tune our minds and souls to their frequencies. Imagine wearing an alchemical symbol of transformation – over time, it doesn’t just adorn your body, but it begins to mold your psyche. It reminds you of your capacity for change, growth, and evolution.

Each symbol, be it of love, strength, resilience, or destiny, becomes a daily affirmation. It reinforces our goals, intentions, and desires. As the ancient Hermetic axiom goes, "As above, so below; as within, so without." By aligning our external world with symbolic reminders, we channel their energies into our internal world, thus manifesting our desired reality.

In essence, Obtenebro is more than a store; it's a movement. A call to recognize the symbols that resonate with our souls, incorporate them into our daily lives, and witness the profound shifts in our realities.